Saturday, May 1, 2021

Research: TikTok's Diffusion of Innovations

In class, one key concept we learned about this semester was Rogers Diffusion of Innovations. The concept maps out just how ideas, that turn into successful companies, brands, etc, catch on. With new ideas coming out every day, only some of them can truly find their way to the top. 

Currently, one of the most present companies of today’s society is the social media app TikTok. TikTok’s initial presence debuted in 2014 when the app was under the name At the time, users could create short lip-syncing videos to TV show/movie soundbites or popular songs. The app was notable but eventually phased out of popularity rather quickly. 

I would call the users that first joined early adopters. These users, usually from a younger demographic, hopped on the trend of using the app while it gained popularity, and most stayed as it transitioned into what it is today. I personally had a account, but I never used the app. I honestly just didn’t understand it and it had no appeal to me. However, now I can’t imagine a day I don’t scroll through TikTok. 

Eventually, the company merged with another out of China and became TikTok. The new idea was to allow longer video lengths (up to 60 seconds) without a creativity cap. What I mean is that it was no longer just about music or soundbites, but more about whatever the user wanted to put into the 60-second time slot. This is certainly where the early majority came in. 

The app’s new algorithm tracked what the user would like, comment, and share to produce more of that particular content on its “for you” page. For instance, if you’re a supporter of Joe Biden or Donald Trump, you’ll see content related to those individuals more often. Because I’m a racing fan, I typically see a lot of content that has to do with racing.

As the popularity of this concept and app caught on, the late adopters have started to appear. TikTok truly controls the entertainment industry right now as songs that gain popularity on the app will gain wide popularity on the radio and other places. The app has helped create new stars and celebrities by its power to reach a very wide audience. Notable celebrities have run to the app in hopes to stay relevant. How wide is its reach you wonder? How about 1.29 billion users worldwide and growing.

While the popularity of TikTok doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon, there are people who refuse to join the service. Some just feel it’s not for them while others worry about their privacy. TikTok is known to track their user’s data, in what they say is to make the platform better. However, as its parent company was formerly out of China, President Trump threatened to ban the app unless sold off to an American company, as it became a security threat. 

Whichever way you look at it, you have to admit how amazing the growth of TikTok truly is. For an app that rebranded in 2018, it’s truly changed the shape of our entertainment world. Ask any college or high school student if they use the service, and I guarantee the overwhelming majority will say yes. 

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